Sunday, August 26, 2012

Spelling Combo Pack & Awesome Freebie

Hi Bloggy Friends!  I know I keep telling you my classroom pictures are coming but yet you can't find them anywhere.  I PROMISE they will be up on Monday.  I am doing the photo shoot after school, so hopefully the room won't be destroyed :)  
On Friday, the kiddies could come in and find their seats.  I was surprised that out of a class of 22 only about 8 kids came in.  It was so nice to see familiar faces!  I interned with this group of kids in Kindergarten, so I feel like I have a slight advantage of knowing some of the kids and their parents!  I FINALLY finished the last part of my year of spelling program!  Yippee!

Click on either picture above to check this pack out in my TPT Shop!

Now that I have all three parts done, I decided to combine all three in a mega pack of 471 pages for a discounted price of $22.  That is a savings of $5! 
Click on the picture above to be taken to this product in my TPT Shop!

And finally I have a wonderful FREEBIE for you!!!   This activity menu was created to be used after whole group instruction while small groups are being pulled. In my classroom, each student will have a clipboard with a folder attached. Inside the folder on one side will be the Pick Your Path menu with incomplete work behind and on the other side will be their completed activities. This menu incorporates reading, spelling, writing, and math skills. It gives the students the choice of what they want to work on each day. Two options of menus are provided. One refers to spelling words for an activity, and the other refers to words around the room in case your class doesn’t have spelling words.  I included a sample of quotes I found on the internet, but you can use any that you would like!  I used that wonderful circle cutter to cut mine out!  Keep your eyes open for a full year pack of these coming in the future!  

Click on the cover page above to download this freebie!


  1. I follow your shop so I saw this posted this morning. I teach high second and third graders. We normally use 4th grade words. Which is too bad cause this pack looks awesome!

    Thanks for the freebie!
    Adventures in Room 5

  2. Hi Tracy! Thank you for the adorable freebie! I just found your blog and I'm following you now. I would love for you to drop by my blog and pick up a few freebies for yourself. I just added a new freebie tab!
    Patti :)
    A Series of 3rd Grade Events
