Monday, September 24, 2012

Doubles Facts Freebie

This week in math we are diving into addition strategies.  
I just wanted to share a little freebie I used today with my kiddies 
to make everyone's Monday a little happier :)  
After doing the activity once, I had the students switch cards 
at least one time with a maximum of three times.  
This was a quick, easy way to get them moving!  
We played again and I timed them.  
I challenged them to improve our time by 20 seconds by Friday.  
Hmmm... I wonder how we will do!

Click on the picture above to download this activity!
This adorable frog came from Graphics From the Pond!


  1. Perfect! We use Go Math and we just started with our Fact Strategies:)
    Thank you:)

    Surfin' Through Second

  2. Great!! Thanks for sharing! We just started addition yesterday.

    The Busy Busy Hive
