Monday, September 17, 2012


I am linking up with Rachelle and Natalie of What the Teacher Wants for a Behavior Management Linky Party.  

Some stars must have aligned perfectly, because I literally just finished creating my new positive behavior management system.  
I am so excited about this!  
In my classroom, I already have one behavior management system in place.  In my county they use a red, yellow, green clip chart.  
We are not required to use this system, but I decided to so that my kiddies had some constancy.  Here is my twist on the basic chart:

All students start on green each day, which means they are swinging free.  If a student makes a poor choice, receives a warning, and makes another poor choice, that student moves down to yellow, which means they need to watch out.  And finally, if a student makes an extremely poor choice or has been spoken to multiple times throughout the day, that student moves to red.  At this time, I will contact the parent via email or phone to discuss what happened. 

This system has been working well with my students.  
But I also wanted to develop a system to reward positive behaviors.  
So I came up with: 

I think that it is SO important to reward positive behaviors.  I think it is important to acknowledge what we expect and hope for from students.  Acknowledging those positive behaviors is also a motivator for those students who haven't demonstrated those behaviors before.  Here is the letter I wrote to parents and included in this freebie pack that explains the system.

Here are the Praise-Its:

Here is the label for the envelope:

 I attached the label to the envelope with a piece of contact paper, 
that way the label is protected.
I plan on stapling the envelope to the back of their folder in their binders.  

 Here is the poster to hang in your classroom 
to post your goal of Praise-Its to receive a reward:

I will be sure to keep you up to date on how the kiddies are doing with this new program!  If you would like to grab a copy of the FREE pack, 
just click on the picture below :)


  1. I love the Praise-Its!! What a positive way to reward students for making the right choices :)

    First Grade Fairytales

  2. Your prase-its are FABULOUS!!!!! LOVE!!!!
    Thanks for linking up!
    -Rachelle {& Natalie}
    What The Teacher Wants

  3. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog! I am your newest follower:) Stop by and visit me...

    Learn, Play & Have Fun

  4. Love this idea! Concentrating on positive behavior works like a charm.
    My Second Sense
