Friday, September 6, 2013

Table Behavior Plan

Hi Followers!  I hope everyone is having a fabulous, stress-free start to the year.  I know the fabulous is happening for me… stress-free… not so much. 

But that is the life of a teacher!

Last year my room arrangement changed frequently.  I tried all different groupings of my kiddos.  This year I decided that my kiddos will stay in groups of four or five all year.  Their groups might change… but the arrangement of the room and size of the groups will remain the same. 

I also knew that I did not have any major behavior issues in my new class.  With all of that in mind I decided to do a table behavior plan and only implement individual plans if necessary. 

My FAVORITE clipart artist had this adorable pack of little creatures in her store. 


Of course I HAD to have these little cuties! 

Finally, I figured out how to use them for my behavior plan.

I decided on the five main behaviors/traits I wanted my kiddos to demonstrate:

Be a Team Player

Be Hardworking

Actively Listen


Spot on Volume

I paired these characters with each of those traits for visuals for the kiddos.

photo (69)

I made these point cards and labels for envelopes to sit on the chalkboard ledge.

point cards


And finally I made labels for a mini desk plastic drawer set to hold the points.

Here is a finished picture!

photo (70)

You can grab these free resources by clicking here!

Enjoy friends!


  1. LOvE It!!!! It's darling:) Thank you for including me in your classroom!

  2. Do you add point cards to each team's drawer as you see positive behaviors? What happens when a team has the most points? Thanks for the incredibly cute resource and congratulations on a class with no major behavior issues. It sounds like you're in for a great year!
