Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Freebie & Made it Monday

Hi all!  I am sure many have had a wonderful weekend buying products on TPT at discounted prices or selling products!  I am linking up with the fabulous Tara over at 4th Grade Frolics for Made it Monday!
I made some wonderful purchases from Dollar Tree that I used for my projects this week.  Take a peek!
Colored Cardstock, Large Coins, & Crazy Straws

I went in my classroom and worked for a few hours today.  I told myself it was the last time before we start August 20th.  I am going to try to stick to my word!  In my classroom today I did a take on the birthday blooms I have been seeing all over Pinterest.  Since my room is jungle-themed, I decided to do Bunch of Birthdays with bananas.  I haven't made the label yet, due to no printers being hooked up at school.  But here is what I have so far, (image a round sign hanging from the zebra ribbon on the basket!)

My next project was inspired by Ms.M. and Her Fancy First Grade Words Display. By the end of last year I was so tired of seeing the words said, small, big, interesting, walked, etc.  I knew that this year I wanted to create an interactive display for my students to use for these common words.  I haven't done the display title but you will definitely get the picture :)
At Michael's I found this circle cutter on clearance.  Once I added a coupon and my teacher discount, I got this cutter for a STEAL!  It is no cameo :( but I will have to make the best of what I can afford.  Let me tell you this thing was so helpful!  Perfect circles in no time.. I cut out all of the circles you see below very quickly.  I even cut out Amy Lemons Clock Minute Freebies!

I wanted to use library pockets to hold the stronger words, but I only found them in multi-colored packs. I wanted mine all to be the same color, and didn't want to have to buy 10 packs.  So I found these adorable thank you cards (that match my classroom), and I cut the flap off to use the envelopes for pockets.  The cards I will use throughout the year for my kiddies!

On the circles I printed labels with a "mighty" lion with the "mighty" words.  Then I made a label for each envelope with a "baby" lion cub with the "baby" words.

The only thing I will add is the title, which will be:
Prowling for MIGHTY Words

I finished my calendar wall since the black butcher paper was finally delivered today!  The hand signals are made from Clutterfree Classrooms adorable set!

Today I also decided to cover these dreadful cabinets as much as possible.  Nothing black construction paper and duct tape can't pretty up!  Not sure what will go on the back, possibly student work.

And finally, here is your freebie!  My jungle jobs!  Enjoy :) 


  1. LOVE ALL THE ZEBRA! Freakin cute! :) I'm coming to be in your class :)

  2. Come on over .. We would love to have you! :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Corinna! I am glad I waited for the black butcher paper to be delivered. I think it makes things POP! :)

  4. Love you banana tree! I am your latest follower--come over and enter my giveaway. You could win a laminator!


    1. I am on my way over now! Thanks for following ;)

  5. I love your theme! You certainly have been busy with all of your creations!

    Teaching Special Kids

    1. Yes I have! But I am so happy my room is basically done before meetings & planning next week!

  6. I want that circle cutter! I'm going to have to look for it =) Thanks for sharing!

    The Resource Room Teacher

  7. Where did you get the hand signal cards from...? I love them and would love to incorporate them into my classroom.

    1. I made them but I am unable to share them because I did not purchase the rights to the clipart. :(

  8. I want the hand signal cards too!!!! So perfect for my room! Do tell! =)

    1. I made them but I am unable to share them because I did not purchase the rights to the clipart. :(

  9. where did u get safari guy from peeping through
