Saturday, August 18, 2012

Freebies & DIY

Hi Blog Friends! 

Here is a little freebie for you!  This summer I have been reading up on Whole Brain Teaching from Chris Biffle and I am so excited to use my own version of this in my classroom!  I will share my trials and tribulations with this as the year progresses!  If you click on the image below you can get my version of the rules posters and directions posters! 

I saw adorable absentee folders on Pinterest from Katie.
I had to create my own!  I bought sets of two folders at the Dollar Tree.  I designed these little labels, glued them on, and will laminate them at school.  When a student is absent I will put all missed work in here to send home (and hopefully... they return them!)   Click on either picture to download the freebie!


Last year in my room I didn't use mailboxes and found it very difficult!  I forgot :(  to put them on the list at school, so they weren't written in the budget.  I didn't want to spend money but knew I had to have them.  So of course... I created my own!  I used old priority mailboxes from the post office, duct tape, hot glue, construction paper, and labels.  Easy and they are so much cuter then if I or the school bought them!


  1. Love how your mailboxes turned out. I have also heard of using cereal boxes, but I am guessing the priority boxes are sturdier :)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  2. I love the We Missed You Folder. Making the cover for mine was still on my to-do list. Thank you for crossing that one off for me! Also, thanks for leaving it in power point so that I can make minor changes for my class!

    A Place to Thrive

  3. Home made mailboxes are fabulous - and yours look great. This summer I was helping my son sort out his room before heading to college at the end of the month (think Toy Story 3) and we found his grade 2 mailbox - a cereal box covered with blue paper and his name written above a rainbow. Took this mama back for a lovely walk down memory lane.

    rubber boots and elf shoes

  4. Cute folder labels! Thanks for sharing.
    3rd Grade Grapevine

  5. Those mailboxes are GREAT! Very creative. Don't have room in my room for that, but I'd like to see if I could pull that off next year.

  6. I love the WBT posters what font did you use please I really like it and cant find it on the site you had at the bottom on the download. Thanks

  7. L-O-V-E the posters and mailboxes. We just use hanging files in a crate but I'm definitely going to remember this. We use We Missed You folders too! We also use Monday Mail folders for graded work. Parents have to sign each Mindy that they saw the work. Our pockets say "LEFT at home" on the left side & "Bring RIGHT Back" on the right side. I'm a middle school teacher but my kids really love it!

    1. Monday not Mindy!! Sorry, just getting used to this new device.

      Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas!

  8. Love you’re finding inexpensive things to use in your classroom. The problem is the ‘free’ boxes you’re getting at the post office are not really free. Tax payers are paying for them through the federally funded USPS. They’re meant for mailing through the USPS and not just as a freebie to use for whatever. Don’t mean to rain in your parade😊
