Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Super Scientists

We have been working on our Space Unit in Science and I wanted to share with you what we have been up to! 
We visited the fabulous Maryland Science Center, which was AMAZING!  
We all learned so much :)
Here is one of my little astronauts!

We explored their space exhibits, dinosaur exhibits, human body exhibits, and some of the lucky ones even entered a hurricane machine!  We had a private show at the Planetarium at the beginning of the day.  I could have stayed there ALL DAY LONG!  I felt like I was camping with an AMAZING sky view.
When we returned the students had to write about their favorite exhibit and create their own constellation.  

Thanks to First Grade Fanatics, I spent a few hours two weekends ago making play-doh for half of the 2nd grade.  But... all of that time paid off.   My students had a BLAST making their own Earths, cutting them apart, and seeing each layer.

We watched a fabulous Bill Nye video (my kids go CRAZY for Bill) on rocks.  We used epsom salt, water, and construction paper to make crystals.  I highly recommend this!  They take about two days to form but my kids freaked out! 

I also created an extra credit project for my kiddies to work on at home.  We read Scholastic News on a regular basis, so I created a Space News.  They students were able to research a space topic and create their own article.  They had to included text features and basic facts about their topic
Here are some examples: 

Once we saw how fabulous the students did on these, my teammate and I created a Space Gallery Walk for the kids.  We hung up the projects in the hallway and I created this as a recording sheet for students to create their own space book.  I found the idea for a foldable space book on Tangled with Teaching.  I created mine a bit different since my purpose wasn't just about the planets.  
Here is the backside (the side flaps fold in to create the front of the book. 

Here is the inside.  The students picked eight reports to write a fun fact about and draw a picture to match.  

Here is a picture of my little scientists at work!

My teammate did an fantastic job with our astronaut! 
Click below to download My Book of Space for free! 

Graphics by: KPM Doodles


  1. I'm going to have to remember these great activities for when we study space. My kiddos would have a blast!

    I’m having a giveaway! I’d love for you to buzz by and enter :)
    The Busy Busy Hive

  2. Such great ideas! I can't wait to introduct space in my classroom after this post :)

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  4. This is such a cool post. I am so diggin' all of your space ideas. I am pinning these so I don't forget when spring rolls around! Thanks for sharing your hard work :) Merry Merry to you!

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

  5. Will you share what you have to do specifically to make those beautiful crystals? What an awesome experiment!


  6. I have gifted you with a RACK (Random Act of Christmas Kindness) over at my blog! Come visit for a shout out and a free item of your choice from my TPT store!


    Happy Holidays! Make sure to stop over at my TpT store and pick out a free item. http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/If-You-Give-A-Teacher-A-Treat


  7. Hi Tracy!

    Can I be a student in your classroom!? This space unit looks like SO much fun!

    I found your blog because Lindsay from If You Give a Teacher a Treat passed on a RACK {Random Acts of Christmas Kindness} to you from the RACK linky party I am hosting. I'm your newest follower!

    I would be so honored if joined my linky party and passed on the RACK to 2 blogs that you are grateful for! RACK Linky Party

    First Grade in Foxwell Forest

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  9. Can you please share with us what you have to do specifically to make the crystals on the dark construction paper? We would like to try it. Thanks!
