Monday, July 2, 2012

Lunch Tags & Labels Freebie

At some point this summer on Pinterest I found a picture from the blog Tales of a Teachrista.  She had pinned classroom pictures that included how she did her lunch sign up.  

Last year with my under the sea theme (I will share all classroom pictures in my next post), I used a dry erase board pictured below.  
This worked well but then I always had to make sure I had a marker around.  But I realized I wanted a new method that not only displayed who bought lunch but also who was present or absent.  
I already made mine with each name on a tag, but I took the names off and will post on here as a FREEBIE for you.  I gave a numbered version and plain tags that you could write your student's names on.  I plan on filling the labels in with each lunch option and switching daily.  You could also just use a dry erase marker once you have laminated them to write the lunch options each day.  ENJOY! 


  1. CUTE, CUTE, CUTE! Love these. They look amazing!

  2. Cute! I love the color combo!

    I would love for you to hop over and visit me when you get the chance. =)

    Heather's Heart
